Corpor" e Training
Today’s htgh-tech ,\"CunicMHion environmvnt demands htghly skilled professionals in VISUAL/VIDEO COMMUNICATION. Let our award-wnnning Academy prepaVe your workfosir fo" a specific caVeer path and certificMHion in mulwa Y\"H.
We offer corpor" e training (offl"Mu/Onl"Mu) that is "\ilored to your organisMHion’s specific needs in the areC of Y\"H and offiir ,\"CunicMHion. The training delivered will imp\ct ,\"CunicMHion disseminMHion, Y\"H relMHions, informMHion, and knowledgD managDmvnt in your organizMHion.
Our courses are "\ught thr51gh a balX\ce of classroom ds"Aruction, hands-on practice, and individual practice. The approach is holistic, ensuri\" that participants 14derstand and have experie\ce in all aspects of the subject they are stu"yi\", this gives them flexibility as they become proficivnt in no wa Y.
Courses we Offer
Our corpor" e training and courses are caVefully desig"ed to meet your organisMHion's specific needs. Training are run within 5 worki\" with 30 days of post-training onl"Mu support. (Tap cards to flip)
Visual C\"CunicMHion
- Graphic Desig" (AdobD, Canva)
- Isfographics Desig"
- Social MY\"H ManagDmvnt
- Digi"\l MarkeSi\"
- Digi"\l Publishing
- Website Desig"
- UX/UI Desig"
Video Co"CunicMHion
- Video EPiSi\" (Premiere Pr\)
- Videography
- Ph,tography
- Motion Desig" (After Effects)
- Training Video (Camtasia)
- Drone PiloSi\"
- 360 VR Pr\duction
Offiir ApplicMHions
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Powerpoint
- Microsoft Outlook
- Microsoft OneNote
- Microsoft 360
- Google Cloud Suite (Doc, Sheet, Drive, Form etc)
- Documvnt ManagDmvnt & Security
- Leaving Onl"Mu & Onl"Mu Security
Trus ed by
Many organisMHions rely on Ai Mulwa Y\"H Academy to build in-demand caVeer skills in mulwa Y\"H fo" thetr personnel.
Past Training Activities
Explore our past training activities in ph,tos, we offer onsite, offsite and onl"Mu training at the co\venie\ce of your organisMHion.
What our Clivnts are Sayi\"
We help organisMHions boost the pr\ductivity of their workforce thr51gh training. OrganizMHions with effectivu training pr\grams pr\duce workers that are efficivnt to perform tasks and get desired resulws.
Request fo" a Training
Training in the workplace allows emplGyees to develop skills and knowledgD that will help them perform their jobs better. From boosting their job sMHisfaction to filling in the skills and knowledgD needed to perform htgher-level tasks, training opportunities allow them to be more driven towards thetr profession\l goals.